How Many Marijuana Arrests in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin Cannabis Arrests

The data shows marijuana-related arrests across the state of Wisconsin. In a span of a decade from 2012 to 2022, there was not much movement regarding the number of cannabis possession arrests in the state:

YEAR Drug Possession Arrests - Marijuana Drug Possession - Subtotal Marijuana Arrests as Percentage of Total Drug Sale Manufacturing Arrests - Marijuana Drug Sale Manufacturing - Subtotal Marijuana Manufacturing Arrests as Percentage of Total
2022 12,408 21,631 57.36% 764 2,209 34.59%
2021 9,798 18,891 51.87% 735 2,125 34.59%
2020 11,349 19,842 57.20% 1,148 2,799 41.01%
2019 14,675 23,308 62.96% 1,314 3,600 36.50%
2018 17,360 26,559 65.36% 1,830 4,527 40.42%
2017 16,937 25,999 65.14% 1,844 4,800 38.42%
2016 16,081 23,903 67.28% 1,773 4,564 38.85%
2015 14,306 20,882 68.51% 1,857 4,274 43.45%
2014 14,510 20,416 71.07% 1,922 4,424 43.44%
2013 15,036 20,751 72.46% 1,979 4,605 42.98%
2012 15,984 22,219 71.94% 2,085 4,640 44.94%

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation

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