Weed is illegal in Madison and all Wisconsin jurisdictions. Even though Wisconsin permits the use of hemp-derived CBD products containing no higher than 0.3% THC, it is not considered a medical marijuana state. Hence you cannot use medical or recreational marijuana delivery services in Madison.
No, you cannot use medical marijuana delivery in Madison. Madison bans the possession, use, and sale of medical marijuana due to the illegal status of medical cannabis in the state.
No. Recreational marijuana is illegal in Madison as it is statewide in Wisconsin. Therefore, you cannot have recreational marijuana delivered in Madison.
Since weed is illegal in Madison, you cannot order weed online in the city. Also, due to the drug's federal status, it is prohibited to ship weed across state lines into Madison.
It is illegal to order weed online for delivery in Madison.
Regardless of age, using weed delivery service in Madison is illegal.
No business or person is licensed to provide Madison weed delivery services. It is illegal to deliver weed in the city.
There are no legal marijuana delivery services in the city.
Madison prohibits weed delivery operations as marijuana is banned in the city.